331 All prices are subject to change. Please refer to our website for most recent pricing. Paint Antifouling Antifouling | Sea Hawk | Triple-Biocide | ColorKote Sea Hawk ColorKote™ is the next generation hull coating built with Sea Hawk DNA. Incorporating selfpolishing, triple biocide, low-leaching chemistry, vibrant colors and multi-season performance, this is more than an antifouling paint. It’s hull protection done the Sea Hawk Premium Quality way. • One (1) Ordering Unit is: Each • Minimum Order Quantity: 1 Container BWS Part Number Description Price SHAWK 4901/GL ColorKote Red - 1 Gallon $469.24 SHAWK 4901/QT ColorKote Red - 1 Quart $156.36 SHAWK 4902/GL ColorKote Blue - 1 Gallon $469.24 SHAWK 4902/QT ColorKote Blue - 1 Quart $156.36 SHAWK 4903/GL ColorKote Green - 1 Gallon $469.24 SHAWK 4903/QT ColorKote Green - 1 Quart $156.36 SHAWK 4904/GL ColorKote Yellow - 1 Gallon $469.24 SHAWK 4904/QT ColorKote Yellow - 1 Quart $156.36 SHAWK 4905/GL ColorKote Deep Black - 1 Gallon $469.24 SHAWK 4905/QT ColorKote Deep Black - 1 Quart $156.36 SHAWK 4910/GL ColorKote White - 1 Gallon $469.24 SHAWK 4910/QT ColorKote White - 1 Quart $156.36 Antifouling | Sea Hawk | Dual-Biocide | Biocop TF Sea Hawk Biocop TF was developed as an alternative to tin-based antifouling paints to protect against the harshest marine environments and provide maximum protection. A new dual biocide technology and revolutionary polymer binder system”PL3” produces an engineered biocide that leaves no harmful effects on the environment. Biocop TF is safe in salt or fresh water on boats of all sizes. 42% copper content. 4.5% biocide. 400 sq. ft./ gal • One (1) Ordering Unit is: Each • Minimum Order Quantity: 1 Container BWS Part Number Description Price SHAWK 1205-1/GL Biocop TF Black - 1 Gallon $528.52 SHAWK 1205-1/PT Biocop TF Black - 1 Pint $75.26 SHAWK 1230-1/GL Biocop TF Dark Blue - 1 Gallon $528.52 SHAWK 1231-1/GL Biocop TF Gray - 1 Gallon $528.52 SHAWK 1231-1/PT Biocop TF Gray - 1 Pint $75.26 SHAWK 1234-1/GL Biocop TF Green - 1 Gallon $528.52 SHAWK 1202-1/GL Biocop TF Light Blue - 1 Gallon $528.52 SHAWK 1202-1/PT Biocop TF Light Blue - 1 Pint $75.26 SHAWK 1201-1/GL Biocop TF Red - 1 Gallon $528.52 SHAWK 1235-1/GL Biocop TF Teal - 1 Gallon $528.52 Antifouling | Sea Hawk | Hard Antifouling | Sharkskin Sea Hawk Sharkskin is Sea Hawk’s traditional 45.2% copperbased hard-modified epoxy paint. Sharkskin aggressively combats all types of marine fouling including barnacles, sea grass, green weed and other fouling organisms in fresh and saltwater. Sharkskin can be applied over most antifouling coatings. 320 sq. ft./Gallon. • One (1) Ordering Unit is: Each • Minimum Order Quantity: 1 Container BWS Part Number Description Price SHAWK 6145/GL Sharkskin Black - 1 Gallon $299.62 SHAWK 6142/GL Sharkskin Blue - 1 Gallon $299.62 SHAWK 6140/GL Sharkskin Dark Blue - 1 Gallon $299.62 SHAWK 6141/GL Sharkskin Red - 1 Gallon $299.62 www.SeaHawkPaints.com Bold Colors Block Barnacles • Triple Biocide Strong – Econea, Zinc Omadine, Copper Thiocyanate • Compatible with all hull types – ideal for fi berglass, aluminum, and steel/iron hulls • Multi-season performance in fresh, brackish and saltwater conditions Lloyd’s Register Certifi ed 6 Base Colors Mixable to thousands of custom colors Bright White 4910 Deep Black 4905 Green 4903 Blue 4902 Yellow 4904 Red 4901 SM Paint