2025 Bluewater Supply Catalog

Note: All swatch colors shown in this brochure are approximations of the actual paint color in the can. 800-221-4466 WWW.PETTITPAINT.COM HRT® - HYBRID REACTIVE TECHNOLOGY HRT features high density biocide utilization to maximize effectiveness by using biocide more effectively along with film modifiers to reduce build-up. Premium HRT is a multi-season, high copper antifouling that uses the latest technology available to create a hybrid paint film strong enough to handle the tough marine environment without building up over time. Equally effective on both power and sailboats, Premium HRT provides excellent antifouling protection without the costs associated with high-end antifoulants. Its ease of use, impressive coverage, and attractive price tag make it an excellent choice for use as a boatyard’s “house paint.” RED - 1619 BLUE - 1219 GREEN - 1319 BLACK - 1819 Neptune HRT is a water-based antifouling that uses the latest technology available to create a hybrid paint film strong enough to handle the tough marine environment. Soap and water cleanup, along with no strong solvent smell, yields a user-friendly application. Neptune HRT does not require sanding between coats, saving time and money. With low VOC, it’s ideal for marinas under restrictions. Neptune HRT can be used over all previously painted surfaces. RED - 1643 BLUE - 1243 GREEN - 1343 BLACK - 1843 ECO HRT is a copper-free antifouling that uses the latest technology available to create a hybrid paint film strong enough to handle the tough marine environment without building up over time. ECO HRT’s smooth, durable paint surface wears away over time, eliminating paint film build-up and the need for sanding. This copper-free formula can be safely applied to all aluminum-hulled boats. It provides excellent antifouling protection and can be hauled and relaunched without any loss of effectiveness. GRAY - 1300 BLUE - 1200 BLACK - 1800 Unepoxy HRT is a seasonal antifouling that uses the latest technology available to create a hybrid paint film strong enough to handle the tough marine environment without building up over time. It is a dependable antifouling paint formulated to provide outstanding protection at a very affordable price. Its smooth, durable finish is able to withstand beaching, trailering, and season-long abuse. RED - 1611 BLUE - 1211 GREEN - 1311 BLACK - 1811 HYDROCOAT® TECHNOLOGY ANTIFOULING Hydrocoat water-based ablative paints have fewer VOC’s, no foul smell, and cleanup is simple with soap and water. Hydrocoat Eco is a self-polishing, water-based ablative technology with organic ECONEA® biocide. Hydrocoat Eco utilizes the highest level of new metal-free ECONEA biocide available combined with a slime fighting inhibitor for unprecedented multi-season protection. This copper-free formula is compatible over almost all bottom paints and is safe for use on all substrates including steel and aluminum. BLUE - 1204 GREEN - 1304 RED - 1604 BLACK - 1804 WHITE - 1104 Hydrocoat offers excellent multi-season protection against all types of fouling. Its innovative technology replaces the harsh solvents found in most bottom paints with water, resulting in an easier application and cleanup, with no heavy solvent smell. Hydrocoat’s ablative surface wears away with use, exposing fresh biocide while eliminating paint build-up and the need for sanding. Its unlimited dry time to launch allows for painting in the fall. RED - 1640 BLUE - 1240 GREEN - 1340 BLACK - 1840 UNDERWATER METAL PROTECTION Prop Coat Barnacle Barrier® 1792 provides protection for bare metals including steel, stainless steel, cast iron, copper, bronze, galvanized steel, and lead. It forms an excellent bond to underwater metals and running gear, and inhibits corrosion on these surfaces. Prop Coat Barnacle Barrier’s smooth, hard surface will self-clean in service and can be used above or below the waterline. The dried film of Prop Coat contains the highest percentage of pure Zinc. Running Gear Guardian™ is designed to prevent fouling on all underwater metal running gear such as propellers, trim tabs, propeller shafts and rudder, prop struts, sail drives, strainers, bow and stern thrusters, and other underwater metal or running gear by providing incredibly effective and long-lasting protection. Even low levels of fouling on running surfaces can cause efficiency losses up to 20% for any boat. BLACK - 1870