2022 Bluewater Supply Catalog

282 Morehead City, NC 252.638.3553 bluewatersupply.com Paint Paint PETTIT ANTIFOULING BOTTOM PAINT CLEANERS & DEWAXERS Bio-Blue Hull Surface Prep 92 'H ZD[HV FOHDQV DQG SUHSDUHV EDUH ƓEHUJODVV IRU SDLQWLQJ Easily removes unwanted contaminants and mold release DJHQWV SULRU WR SDLQWLQJ :KHQ used with 4700/4701 Pettit Protect and antifouling paint, it is SDUW RI DQ HDV\ V\VWHP EPOXY PRIMER BARRIER COAT NEW FRUSTRATION FREE PACKAGING Pettit Protect® $ KHDY\ GXW\ WZR FRPSRQHQW epoxy coating for use where maximum resistance to fresh or salt water is required. It reduces water absorption making it an excellent choice for osmotic blister prevention and repair. Its KLJK VROLGV IRUPXOD DOORZV IRU TXLFNHU DQG HDVLHU application with fewer coats necessary for effective protection. It also offers dependable corrosion protection on all underwater metals. WHAT MAKES PETTIT PROTECT DIFFERENT? COMPETITOR 4 LAYERS OF LOW CONCENTRATIONMICA FIBERGLASS LOW CONCENTRATION OF MICA WATER CAN PERMEATE THE LAYERS MORE EASILY PETTIT PROTECT 2 LAYERS OF HIGH CONCENTRATIONMICA FIBERGLASS HIGH CONCENTRATION OF MICA IMPENETRABLE PROTECTION Pettit Protect XVHV VLJQLƓFDQWO\ more of the ZDWHUSURRƓQJ DJHQW 0,&$ 0,&$ DW WKH KLJKHVW FRQFHQWUDWLRQ SRVVLEOH SURYLGHV H[FHOOHQW SURWHFWLRQ IURP ZDWHU LQWUXVLRQ GRAY 4700/4701 WHITE 4100/4101 • Faster and easier application • Comprehensive gelcoat blister repair and prevention Ř +LJK EXLOG IRUPXOD FRYHUV LQ FRDWV YV WKH FRPSHWLWLRQVō RU FRDWV Ř ([FOXVLYH ORZ 92& IRUPXOD GHYHORSHG 800-221-4466 WWW.PETTITPAINT.COM HOWMUCH BOTTOM PAINT DO I NEED? STEP ONE: Calculate the square footage of the hull to be painted – multiply the length of the hull by the beam then multiply that total by .85. LENGTH BEAM /(1*7+ ; %($0 [ SQUARE FEET OF HULL STEP TWO: Divide that number (your square foot total) by the amount of coverage the selected bottom paint offers. This will give you a RQH FRDW WRWDO For help selecting the perfect antifouling paint for your application, use Pettit’s Perfect Pick Tool at www.pettitpaint.com/perfect-pick PETTIT’S PERFECT PICK TOOL ANTIFOULING SPEED COATINGS Vivid® 2IIHUV WKH EULJKWHVW FRORUV WKH EODFNHVW EODFN and the whitest white available. Hybrid technology LQFRUSRUDWHV DOO WKH EHQHƓWV RI DEODWLYH DQG KDUG paints in one. Its hard, smooth surface withstands trailering and is easily burnished to a high SHUIRUPDQFH UDFLQJ ƓQLVK 9LYLG UHVLVWV EXLOG XS DQG can be hauled and relaunched without repainting. Safe for use on properly primed aluminum. VIVID BASE COLORS VIVID MIXED COLORS Black Widow® 7KH VOLFNHVW IDVWHVW XOWUD VPRRWK EXUQLVK DEOH UDFLQJ ƓQLVK DYDLODEOH %ODFN :LGRZ LV HDVLO\ EXUQLVK DEOH WR D PHWDOOLF ŏJXQ PHWDOŐ VKLQH %ODFN :LGRZ makes an excellent paint for the bottom of any boat where speed is the number one priority, including racing sailboats and high performance offshore powerboats. DARK BLUE 1269 BLACK 1869 BLUE 1261 WHITE 1161 YELLOW 1461 BLACK 1861 RED 1661 GREEN 1361 4 YELLOW/ 1 WHITE 4 WHITE/ 1 YELLOW 1 WHITE/ 1 YELLOW 1 RED/ 1 WHITE 1 RED/ 1 YELLOW 4 YELLOW/ 1 RED 4 YELLOW/ 1 BLUE 1 RED/ 4 WHITE 1 YELLOW/ 1 BLUE 1 GREEN/ 1 WHITE 4 BLUE/ 1 YELLOW 4 GREEN/ 1 YELLOW 1 BLUE/ 1 RED 1 BLUE/ 4 WHITE 4 BLUE/ 1 RED 4 WHITE/ 1 BLACK 1 BLUE/ 4 RED 1 BLACK/ 1 WHITE %ODFN :LGRZ FRQWDLQV IRXU VWURQJ VOLFNHQLQJ DJHQWV 0RO\EGHQXP 'LVXOƓGH 37)( *UDSKLWH DQG 6LOLFRQ