PETTIT ANTIFOULING BOTTOM PAINT 800-221-4466 WWW.PETTITPAINT.COM INDUSTRY LEADING WARRANTY PEACE OF MIND PROTECTION... YOU CAN TRUST! PETTIT PAINT’S HD (HULL DEFENSE) LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE INDUSTRY’S LEADING WARRANTY. For more information, visit ODYSSEY TRITON TRINIDAD XSR ODYSSEY HD ODYSSEY 60 TRINIDAD PRO TRINIDAD 75 TRINIDAD HD Trinidad XSR – Provides extreme antifouling protection in all waters and for every substrate. Trinidad XSR features a triple biocide package that prevents all growth at dock or underway and is safe on aluminum and all underwater metals. Trinidad XSR cures to a hard, durable ƓQLVK WKDW RIIHUV PXOWL VHDVRQ SURWHFWLRQ RED 1690 BLUE 1290 GREEN 1390 BLACK 1890 Trinidad PRO – The standard by which all bottom paints are measured. It remains the longest lasting, strongest antifouling paint available. Trinidad PRO provides unprecedented resistance to all fouling. Its hard, protective coating has excellent adhesion and withstands the toughest abuse. Left in the water, it will provide years of dependable service. Trinidad 75 :LWK D SURYHQ WUDFN UHFRUG RI dependable antifouling performance, Trinidad 75 has earned its reputation as one of the most respected names in the industry. Trinidad 75 harnesses the power of an extremely high load of cuprous oxide to combat even the most extreme fouling conditions. Trinidad 75’s durable, hard HSR[\ ƓQLVK KDV H[FHOOHQW DGKHVLRQ DQG ZKHQ OHIW LQ WKH ZDWHU ZLOO provide years of dependable service. The antifoulant of choice for professional applicators everywhere. Trinidad HD 3URYLGHV H[FHOOHQW ORQJ ODVWLQJ protection, even under the toughest antifouling conditions. Trinidad HD provides dependable LQ ZDWHU DQWLIRXOLQJ SURWHFWLRQ ZKLOH PHHWLQJ the 330 gram per liter VOC regulations. Trinidad HD does not require movement and works equally as well at the dock or underway. Its GXUDEOH KDUG PRGLƓHG HSR[\ ƓQLVK KDV H[FHOOHQW DGKHVLRQ DQG LV highly abrasion resistant. A good choice for powerboat or sailboat use in tropical and other warm waters where harsh fouling exists. TRINIDAD® HARD ANTIFOULING RED 1086FD BLUE 1082FD GREEN 1083FD BLACK 1088FD RED 1076FD BLUE 1074FD GREEN 1073FD SPECIAL BLACK 1079FD RED 1671 BLUE 1271 GREEN 1371 BLACK 1871 Odyssey Triton 'HOLYHUV H[FHSWLRQDO PXOWL VHDVRQ WUL ELRFLGH SHUIRUPDQFH E\ FRPELQLQJ the proven reliability of Copper Thiocyanate, the impressive strength of ECONEA®, and the versatile organic boosting biocide Zinc Omadine. This combination makes Odyssey Triton effective against all types of fouling found in the harshest of marine environments. Odyssey 60 'HOLYHUV H[FHSWLRQDO PXOWL VHDVRQ performance against fouling by offering the highest copper content in an ablative available. :LWK VLJQLƓFDQWO\ PRUH FRSSHU WKDQ PDQ\ competitors’, Odyssey 60 offers stronger protection at a better value. Fast dry technology provides quick turnaround and increased production for all applicators. Odyssey HD 0XOWL VHDVRQ DQWLIRXOLQJ combines controlled polishing ablative technology with a high copper content to SURYLGH D SDLQW ƓOP VWURQJ HQRXJK WR KDQGOH WKH tough marine environment from coast to coast. 2G\VVH\ +' LV FRPSDWLEOH RYHU PRVW ƓQLVKHV and will not build up over time, leaving running surfaces smooth and clean. Odyssey HD’s copolymer resins withstand hauling and relaunching without losing effectiveness for both power and sailboats. ODYSSEY® MULTI-SEASON ABLATIVE ANTIFOULING RED 1699 BLUE 1299 GREEN 1399 BLACK 1899 WHITE 1199 RED 1665 BLUE 1265 GREEN 1365 BLACK 1865 GREEN 1307 DARK BLUE 1227 BLUE 1207 RED 1607 BLACK 1807 NOTE: All swatch colors shown are approximations of the actual paint color in the can.